Music as an energizing method

The Right Music Supports the Brain with Energy.

Any person has the capability of utilizing music as an energizing method. Since the moment when humanity came up with music, they used it to serve their everyday needs. For example, it was used as a lullaby for the children at night, or for raising spirits in soldiers. The list of common music uses is large and as long as the most ancient history of humanity itself.

In our era of hi-tech, Alfred Tomatis created a very technological method of uncovering the potential of the strength of sound, that real “supernatural power” component of music that can elevate the mental capabilities of a person for his health and energetic charging. According to Mr. Tomatis, this energy is coming from sound. However, Mr. Tomatis did not just stop with elevating music. Thanks to the use of complicated instruments and through taking special measurements, he found out which sound frequencies can affect the emotional and physical level of the person: either give him energy or take it away.

Are You Interested in Finding Out How It Works?

Mr. Tomatis came up with startling conclusions. He stated the following: “the human ear is meant not only to hear, but also to support the body and mind with energy.” When conducting experiments with the music of well-known composers, such as Mozart of Bach, Mr. Tomatis noted that the process of tiring as a result of stress happens when the gray matter of the brain (neurons) receives enough electrical energy. That means that they just don’t have the sufficient strength. His statement is that neurons work like small power batteries. They create an electric charge in the person’s brain, supporting the brain waves, and in their turn these waves are registered on the EEG. Upon first sight, you might thing that these small batteries are charged up through the metabolism function of the human body, but in reality that is not the case. This is where the heart of Mr. Tomatis’ discovery lies. Cells-batteries are charged up with the sound, while organ of Corti cells are responsible for the transformation of energy coming from external sources. 24600 long cells spread out into rows are dancing to every sound. As a result of this dance, energy is produced that comes into the human brain and also partially gets split away and given to the organism’s muscles through the cerebellum.

The human brain is supported through the energy of high frequency sounds and also takes away the pressure from muscles by providing various rebalancing in the body. Even after the listening has stopped, this effect continues. The method of “super-learning” comes from this root. However, if you just listen to the sounds you will not receive any energy. In particular, Mr. Tomatis’ discovery shows why North Americans cannot receive life energy while listening to the music from baroque times, as do those who live in Eastern Europe. There is something conjunctive to hearing that “dirties” up the sound, while Eastern Europeans are used to a good sound background.
Mr. Tomatis also found out that the music with the person’s native language becomes more habitual. As a result of this, people perceive music very differently. The play range of those who speak Slavic languages contains soundwaves of both very low and very high frequencies, while American and British speakers have much tighter borders.

You are born with the ability to perceive a wide range of sounds with frequencies of up to 20000 Hz. Then age, ear infections, and constant sound pollution take away from your perception. The sound of a jackhammer performing 3500 hits per minute, the sound of traffic, sirens, subway, screaming music and banging noises all lower the hearing range. According to Mr. Tomatis, one of the main factors why we start feeling worse with age is the fact that we are not capable of perceiving the high frequency sounds that are supposed to recharge us.

In 1982, doctor David Lipscomb, who worked with sound in the Tennessee University laboratory, determined that 60% of students coming into the university have significant hearing problems in the high frequency ranges. Their hearing was comparable to that of old people. Dr. Lipscomb said that “these young people are starting their lives with the ears of old men.”

Is There a Chance to Recover Your Hearing?

This is where the Tomatis method comes to shine. It is based in renewal of hearing using sound. Even if it sounds paradoxical, Mr. Tomatis decided to address the healing effect of sound and music. Mr. Tomatis says: “ears exist to bring use to the person from the point of view of physics and psychiatry.” To enlighten the mind, sounds with frequency of up to 8000 Hz are required, as they charge up the “brain’s batteries” at a much faster rate. Mr. Tomatis also discovered that music of classical composers, such as Mozart, mostly includes high frequency sounds. Therefore, the brain is recharged faster. However, he also found out that in parallel to that, the low frequency sounds have negative effects on both the brain and the body of a person. For example, airport or factory sounds. While the notes and hits in rock-music “consume the mind.”

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