The perfect chord dictionary for ukulele!
Looking for the perfect chords for your ukulele music? Try UkuleleChordsCompass Lite, a free app that supports all ukulele types and sizes: Soprano, Tenor, Baritone, Concert and Sopranino. It has chords for all the common ukulele tunings (Soprano Standard is the default setting), adjustable volume and retina graphics. This ukulele learning software supports right-handed as well as left-handed ukulele players. Its chord type notation and chord set are compatible with the GarageBand Smart instruments.
UkuleleChordsCompass Lite lets you explore about 33% of all possible ukulele chords on its virtual ukelele fretboard and as ukulele music notes. You can play any of the chords for 4 of the keys (C, C#, D, D#) on the ukulele fretboard with authentic ukulele sound, learn them at your own pace, and even create your own ukulele sheet music. Need more chords? Update to the full version, UkuleleChordsCompass.
Select a key on the left, then the chord type you need in the middle, and a chord type addition on the right. Next, click on the ukulele fretboard and select the position for your chord. UkuleleChordsCompass Lite will show you all the chords available in this position. Listen to the chords with authentic ukulele sound! Learn the music notes and fretboard positions as you go, or create your own sheet music by using Drag&Drop to move the chord diagrams you select into editors!
Download UkuleleChordsCompass Lite today!
Watch our video tutorial for UkuleleChordsCompass on YouTube!